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Cdv Circa 1865. Madame Barbedenne, Femme Du Général Philippe Boullé.Cdv Circa 1865. Madame Barbedenne, Femme Du Général Philippe Boullé.Paypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$19.76$8.32FR15h 2m
Cdv Circa 1865. Madame Barbedenne, Wife Of General Philippe Boulle.Cdv Circa 1865. Madame Barbedenne, Wife Of General Philippe Boulle.Paypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$23.88$8.71FR15h 23m
Antique Signed Bronze Sculpture Of A Dog & Mouse By Antique Signed Bronze Sculpture Of A Dog & Mouse By "Barye" / F. BarbedinnePaypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$500.00$0.00US22h 25m
Pair Of  French Bronze Plaques / Signed  Ferdinand Levillain, Cast By BarbediennPair Of French Bronze Plaques / Signed Ferdinand Levillain, Cast By BarbediennPaypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$314.99$35.00PT12d 1h 37m
Honor Patrie Union National Sociétés Tir France 1168G Plaque Dubois BarbediennHonor Patrie Union National Sociétés Tir France 1168G Plaque Dubois BarbediennPaypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$493.16$31.42FR14d 13h 26m
Ancienne Et Jolie Coupe En Bronze A Décor D'angelots, Dans Le Gout De BarbediennAncienne Et Jolie Coupe En Bronze A Décor D'angelots, Dans Le Gout De BarbediennPaypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$93.60$73.84FR20d 22h 27m
Main Femme BarbedieneMain Femme BarbedienePaypal Accepted.Sofort-Kaufen$572.00$36.40FR21d 2h 56m


richtig geschrieben Suchergebnissen. Sehen Sie diese Barbedienne bei eBay!.
Sehen Sie diese Barbedienne Artikel bei eBay!
Antoine-Louis Bayre Senegal Elephant Bronze 1875-1895 F. Barbedienne Fondeur
7 1/4 x 5.25 x 3? F. Bardienne Foundry Mark #42 Incised
$2988.88$145.00US10mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Art Nouveau French Bronze Gilded Small Vase Signed Barrias Et Barbedienne$799.00$85.000UY2h 37mPaypal Accepted.
Antique Rare F. Barbedienne Fondeur Gilded Bronze Pyrogen Matches Holder 19Th C$730.00$50.00FR4h 6mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Sculpture En Bronze '' Le Tireur D'épine'' Spinario F. Barbedienne Fondeur$707.20$58.24FR5h 6mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Marble And Bronze Vase Signed By Ferdinand Barbedienne, Mid-19Th Century Paris $1250.00$58.24US5h 33mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Sculpture Plaque Bronze Barbedienne Animalier$780.00$104.00FR11h 0mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Horloge Barbedienne Buste Bronze / 19Th France / Diane Poitiers Pendule Cartel$6136.00$254.80FR12h 5mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
1886 Catalog Of The French Bronze Foundry Of F. Barbedienne O... - 9780887407055$14.91$254.80GB12h 35mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Cigogne Sur Tortue - Barye / Barbedienne$1029.60$1.04FR12h 44mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Pair Of Antique 19C. Cahieux - Barbedienne Gilded Bronze Candelabra Table Lamp$2500.00$1.04US17h 19mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
26" Rene De Paul De Saint Marceaux Bronze Harlequin Cast By F. Barbedienne 1879$2999.00$75.00US20h 16mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Tondo Vierge A L'enfant Madone Pitti Bas-Relief Bronze Ancien Fonte Barbedienne$509.60$83.20FR20h 26mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
French Champleve Signed F. Barbedienne Enamel Bronze Reticulated Vase, 6 1/4"$799.99$0.00US20h 40mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Garniture De Cheminée En Marbre Rouge Et Laiton Style Barbedienne Xixème Siècle$426.40$209.04FR21h 15mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
19Th Century Barbedienne Champleve Enamel Gilt Bronze Chenets / Andirons$6750.00$209.04US22h 20mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Antique French Bronze Sculpture, F.Barbedienne.Fondeur$2500.00$50.00EE23h 14mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Antique Patinated Bronze Vase With Angels By E. Ballia's, Foundry- E Barbedienne$495.00$50.00US23h 42mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
F. Levillain 1837-1905 Et F. Barbedienne 1810-1892 Vase En Bronze A L'antique$207.99$47.01FR23h 46mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Barbedienne Bronze Candelabra After Michelangelo Circa 1880S$9950.00$47.01US1d 2h 28mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now
Antique French Bronze Candelabra Pair (2), Signed "F. Barbedienne"$695.00$47.01US1d 2h 41mPaypal Accepted.Buy-It-Now

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